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Meetings, events, workshops

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WISER project scientists and technicians are participating at several workshops and meetings.


WISER final project meeting and final conference

WISER final project meeting and final conference, 23-26 January 2012 Tallinn, Estonia

The final project meeting was scheduled from 23-24 January 2012 and took place in Tallinn, Estonia. It was hosted by our Estonian partner, the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU). The meeting was attended by more than 170 scientists and water managers from 20 European countries.

Final conference
Final project meeting


Workshop: "Conceptual Modelling"

workshop wageningen

The workshop "Conceptual Modelling" was held 16-18 November at ALTERRA Green World Research in Wageningen (NL).

Ecological restoration is often based on basic ecological assumptions and evidence from empirical studies on the general relationships between biota and its abiotic environment. But all too often practical experience with restoration measures in aquatic ecosystems do not have the desired or anticipated effects. Hypotheses on the reasons are manifold and should be addressed by scientists to link restoration ecology with restoration practice.

The WISER Workshop on Conceptual Modelling of the biological response of management of aquatic ecosystems aimed at identifying those linkages based on evidence from restoration literature. Altogether 20 scientists and water managers met to develop and discuss examples for river and lake ecosystems. The outcome will help to identify quantifiable relationships between restoration measures and different plant and animal organism groups. Existing knowledge gaps will be summarised and defined as future research needs to render ecological restoration more effective and efficient.

Open online simulation of conceptual models

WISER: "Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery"
Online: [date: 2025/02/12]
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